Upin & Ipin's Figures

  1. Upin and Ipin
    Upin and Ipin is two twins brother from Melayu who live with their sister and their grandmother. They didn't have parents since they were baby.
    Upin is a crowded person. But Ipin is a cheery person and very love with chicken. Ipin also like to say "Betul betul betul".
    Upin has a hair, but Ipin no. Upin always uses yellow shirt and Ipin always uses blue shirt.

  2. Kak Ros
    Kak Ros is the sister of Upin and Ipin. She is a fierce person, but she is very love with her brothers.

  3. Opah
    Mak Uda is the grandmother of Upin and Ipin. She always spoils Upin and Ipin. She has a lot of divinity. She used to call with "Opah".

  4. Mei - Mei
    Mei - Mei is a Chinese descent who is polite, diligent. She is one of friends Upin and Ipin. She is the smartest in her class.

  5. Ismail bin Mail
    Mail is very diligent boy. He always helps her mother to get some money. He also diligent in his class.